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Date Posted

Okanagan''''s Children Entertainer - Clown & Magician 892 $100.00 8/6/2013 3:20:48 PM
Southern Okanagan''''s Children''''s Entertainer Book ''''Sunny the Clown'''' to add the **Sparkle** to your event . Whether it be for Parties, Birthday, Weddings, Ba''''mitzvah''''s, Reunions or Business: Hotel, Winery, Timeshare, Restaurant, RV Park,...
That Guy Vanlines - Local moves starting at $75/hr 947 $75.00 7/13/2013 5:54:02 PM
That Guy Vanlines offers, great rates with NO hidden fees. Local moves starting at only $75 per hour for 2 movers and 5 ton truck. We also do weekly trips to Vancouver and Alberta.
MacMusic Studio 979 PleaseContact 10/20/2012 7:29:11 PM
Learn what you really need to know to play piano or any other keyboard by ear or written arrangement. sign up to learn your favorite song or learn how to read, play , improvise and create your own music. Contemporary by professional keyboard artist - for ...

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Johnny G and the Keyster 918 PleaseContact 10/20/2012 7:25:50 PM
Playing the tunes you love to remember Jump, Jive, rock''''n''''roll, waltz, 2-step, rumba, twist the night away. Have a great time when this duo turns on the tunes. A 2-piece that sounds like 5. Live music to make your special event UNforgetable - birth...
G. Hunter Painting 1008 PleaseContact 3/2/2012 8:10:27 PM
Kelowna premier painting contractor. Interior & Exterior Home & Business
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