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Date Posted

Okanagan''''s Children Entertainer - Clown & Magician 893 $100.00 8/6/2013 3:20:48 PM
Southern Okanagan''''s Children''''s Entertainer Book ''''Sunny the Clown'''' to add the **Sparkle** to your event . Whether it be for Parties, Birthday, Weddings, Ba''''mitzvah''''s, Reunions or Business: Hotel, Winery, Timeshare, Restaurant, RV Park,...
That Guy Vanlines - Local moves starting at $75/hr 948 $75.00 7/13/2013 5:54:02 PM
That Guy Vanlines offers, great rates with NO hidden fees. Local moves starting at only $75 per hour for 2 movers and 5 ton truck. We also do weekly trips to Vancouver and Alberta.
Johnny G and the Keyster 918 PleaseContact 10/20/2012 7:25:50 PM
Playing the tunes you love to remember Jump, Jive, rock''''n''''roll, waltz, 2-step, rumba, twist the night away. Have a great time when this duo turns on the tunes. A 2-piece that sounds like 5. Live music to make your special event UNforgetable - birth...

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